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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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The Support Center for Handicapped Students and the library started the Delivery Service of Borrowed Books for the Disabled Students since March 2nd. This service is being implemented for the convenience of disabled students.
The Cheongju University chapter of the Korean University Workers' Union called off the general strike on February 17th which had started on December 28th. The union said that they called off the strike to stabilize the university before beginning the spring semester. They went back to work last February 18th.
Chungbuk National University(CBNU) ran a new freshmen-oriented program, called yebidaehak that educates all freshmen before semester begins.
A public hearing on the reform of liberal education was held on March 21st at the Gaesin Cultural Center. The public hearing proceeded on the basis of a research paper on liberal education, which had been conducted from October 2010 to January 2011.
Yeong-eun, the heroine of the play ¡®My Men¡¯s Blood Type¡¯, is a magazine reporter. She is undertaking an article with I-seul, who is a friend of Yeong-eun, about blood type and love. They are researching a story about ex-boyfriends.
It is hard to feel seasonable temperatures nowadays. The last year was historically the warmest year according to observations about average temperatures of Earth during the last 131 years. The hottest 10 years were the period from 2001 to 2010. As a result of this abnormal climate, countries like China or India, which are located in the middle latitude of the northern hemisphere, suffered from a cold snap and heavy snow, whereas Brazil and Sri Lanka suffered economic damage by floods and heavy rain.
Olympus, an international camera company, has investigated the sales of the Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera(MILC) in the past year and found out that the sales rapidly increased. According to their findings, the MILCs increased by more than 160% of last year's sales in the UK, and it captured 8.3% of the German market. It also had 40% of the total digital camera sales for one year in Japan. Now, people all around the world are paying attention to the MILC.
A public hearing on the reform of liberal education was held on March 21st at the Gaesin Cultural Center. The public hearing proceeded on the basis of a research paper on liberal education, which had been conducted from October 2010 to January 2011.
The Chungcheongbuk-Do Office of Education(CBE) has provided free meals to all elementary school and middle school students who are living in Chungbuk. Two opinions were in confrontation with each other over providing meals without cost. One was that providing meals free of charge would be good for relieving financial burdens of low class households. The other was that it would lower the quality of meals which would be provided to students. CBE decided to provide meals free of charge. However, there are some problems with the quality of the meals.
The relative evaluation system in majors, the academic warning system and the repetition system for failed students have becomen effective. The school held two briefing sessions to explain and answer students¡¯ questions in the new students¡¯ union on Feb 11th and 18th.
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