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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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A person¡¯s voice is like an instrument played. Perhaps the most powerful sound in the world. It¡¯s because only human beings are able to cause war through words or say they love someone. Words play such an important role. However, sometimes when people talk, they think that the other person is not focused on what they are saying. Why? How can you get the other person to want to hear what you are saying? Furthermore, how can you speak so powerfully that you can make a difference in the world?
According to a survey conducted by Embrain Trend Monitor on No Kids Zones, 6 out of 10 adults (60.9%) felt uncomfortable in public places due to noise problems or dangerous situations such as collisions with infants and children under the age of 13. While there is a consensus that some sanctions are needed in connection with the problems and risks caused by children in public, 66.1% of all respondents expressed their support for No Kids Zones.
Cafes are changing to suit the needs of their customers, as ¡®after-dinner desserts¡¯ has become a natural custom and the popularity of cafes has increased day by day and the age range of visitors has diversified. Therefore, if you look at the shops in the downtown area, you can see various kinds of cafes, such as tarot cafes, cartoon cafes, and room cafes. So what is the definition of an original cafe? The definition of a cafe, generally known to people, is a restaurant where you can have a light meal or drink tea.
Traditionally ownership was important. Most people bought everything they needed and used it as long as possible to get maximum value for their money. But, as you will see in this article, consumer habits are beginning to change rapidly. According to market research by ¡®Consumer-Insight,¡¯ the ratio of ¡®First Car Purchase¡¯ to total vehicle purchase was 16 percent in 2012, but it decreased to 11 percent in 2019. This means consumers who choose to borrow rather than purchase products are on the increase.
According to data from the National Fire department, In Korea, 2,368 people were bitten by dogs and visited the emergency room in 2018. If a dog bites a person, it is possible to make civil and criminal charges. In the case of negligence, the person has to pay up to 5 million won, and in case of negligent homicide, imprisonment for up to 2 years or a fine of up to 7 million won. However, if a dog owner admits his mistake, the dog owner will not be punished under the criminal law, causing the dog owner to be negligent again.
Extreme and unusual weather events are occurring all over the world including floods in East Asia and heat waves in Europe. Earth is getting hotter because of global warming, so unusual weather events are occurring all over the world. Last month Korea suffered from the flood disasters. Noticeably, this year¡¯s rainy season recorded the longest duration and the latest end date. The 2020 rainy season lasted for 54 days from June 24 to the end of August.
At this time, Koreans are undergoing an uncomfortable and stuffy daily routine that is very different from what they were used to in the past. People can¡¯t move freely, and there are severe limitations on where they may travel. Therefore in the September addition, CBT reporters are going to introduce restaurants that are only found in Jeju Island. CBT reporters hope you get vicarious satisfaction when you read this article. CBT reporters experienced local food and learned about the past and present of Jeju Island.
As the risk of the spread of COVID-19 has not been eliminated, CBNU has decided on the principle of non-face-to-face(NFTF) classes for the second semester of 2020. There is a difference in that the entire teaching method was decided and announced in advance; in March and April, the first semester, the method was announced after identifying the extent of the spread of COVID-19.
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