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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Recently, Japanese people are forming such a strong anti-Korean culture that many Koreans who live there have been victims of racism. The biggest topic of conversation was the so-called ¡®wasabi attack at Sijang Sushi¡¯, which has become a hot potato on SNS. Sijang Sushi, a restaurant located in Osaka, put a huge amount of wasabi on Korean guests¡¯ sushi and laughed at people who ate the sushi and suffered from the burning that the wasabi caused.
There are small but strong universities in the world. Despite their small number of students and tiny campuses, they are not overwhelmed and they take the lead with their specificities. The book ¡®Small But Strong Universities¡¯ introduces those universities. The book introduces Cooper Union located in New York State. There are only 900 students in total, composed of 150 students in the College of Architecture, 500 students in the College of Engineering, and 250 students in the College of Arts.
This year, all of the American Nobel Prize winners turned out to be immigrants or offspring of immigrants. According to the Huffington Post, Fraser Stoddart, a professor in Northwestern University, said, ¡°An open border is a strong point of America. We should not turn our backs on immigrants in order to maintain a strong American science community.¡±
With the Cold War over, the 1980s could accept openness. As a result, the realm of everyday life for women was expanded with the entry of women into public affairs. The Seoul Olympic Games were held and post-modernism appeared. Furthermore, many celebrities started to become extremely popular, and those changes of the 1980s also turned sports in Korea into totally new sports. Let¡¯s look at the era of the 1980s, when lots of things appeared or changed.-Ed.
Science is moving much faster than we might think. Scientists tell us that a graph of the development of science in time will be an exponential function over time. This means it is very difficult to anticipate what our future technologies will eventually become, given the current status of science and technology.
It is an obvious recent trend that people are abstaining from luxuries and considering cost-effectiveness. Evidence is easily found. There are many inexpensive restaurants and beverage shops lining the streets near CBNU, and people¡¯s clothes are often from lesser-known fashion brands.
Recently, I suffered from insomnia without any reason, which resulted in depression. On the previous Monday, I went to bed at around 12 a.m. as usual. However, I couldn¡¯t fall asleep and tossed and turned all night. I fell asleep in the end, but I just got 3 hours of sleep.
CBT reporters met Takashi Uemura, who used to work for the Asahi Newspaper Institute before. He was the first person who reported on Japanese military sexual slavery. Furthermore, because of the report, he has been suffering from disgrace as a fake reporter. Presently, he is working as a visiting professor at the Catholic University of Korea. We met him and heard about his story.
The Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) announced on August 30th that its Adhesion Contract Division inspected 17 national and private university dormitories¡¯ adhesion contracts and demanded them to rectify the unfair clauses. In the case of the CBNU Residence Halls, the clauses of no refund for mid-contract termination were pointed out by the KFTC, so the CBNU Residence Halls rectified the related clauses.
The OIS has selected Korean students who can meet their foreign buddies at least once a week and help them responsibly during the program. When selecting students, the OIS puts emphasis on applicants¡¯ English grades to help lower the language barriers between buddies. Korean buddies, who are selected after several steps, help their foreign buddies¡¯ individual activities, such as issuing their student IDs, and have to perform given tasks such as introducing school facilities.
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