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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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The influx of new people and new cultures has led our society to become a diversified society. People want to get something new, fresh and unique. The influx of new people and new cultures has led to changes of our own heritage and creates something new by combining our own heritage with a new influx of things.
March is the month which gives a special thrill to freshmen because they realize the desires which were suppressed during the previous 3 years because of the College Scholastic Ability Test. One of the desires is dating.
Chungbuk National University's second campus in Ochang has been actively promoting industry-academia cooperation facility development that provides on-site facilities for companies and research institutes.
The 10-month term of the 45th ¡®Response3057¡¯ General Students Association(GSA) is coming to an end. The ¡®Response3057¡¯ GSA promised to fulfill 100% of their election pledges.
There are a total of twelve roadside guidance signs in CBNU, but students feel inconvenience because the information in these hasn¡¯t been updated.
These days, it is hard to get a job among the students. What about the employment situation of disabled students who graduated from Chungbuk National University(CBNU)?
Pedestrians are suffering inconvenience because the Joongmoon-street in the Chungbuk University is being defiled by leaflets.
On March 29th, the Chungbuk provincial agency started ¡®Silver Care Service(SCC)¡¯ for senior citizens who live alone. SCC is the checking program where police officers frequently visit the homes of elders living alone or inquire after using the telephone to check on their safety.
Recently, the Cultural Heritage Administration allowed Japan to rebuild the Japanese Embassy in front of Gyeongbokgung, and it is arousing controversy.
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