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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Broadcasters(MBC, KBS, YTN) have come out on strike because the broadcasters¡¯ presidents, who were appointed by the government, put pressure on many programs that criticise government policies.
Agreement for the well-educated disabled

CBNU students won lots of awards in the 2011 Campus Patent Strategy Universiade
The General Students Association(GSA) made a primary report on Oct. 17th about whether they fulfilled their election pledges. 52% of the 28 election pledges are finished. 32% of the election pledges are ongoing and 11% are unexecuted.
A study released by the OECD showed that Korea¡¯s youth suicide rate was the highest among its 30 member countries. Recently, school violence has been spreading like poison. People have a great distrust with Korean education
I have evaluate and been evaluated at various areas of my life. Our dairy lives are connected by every step of evaluation and decision.
Education has become a necessity such as bread and water for people. When I first came to Korea, I saw people that were enthusiastic about their children's education. I heard that kindergarten children in Korea have learned English as well as the cultures of many countries.
CBNU invited Park Kyung-chul for Omnibus Liberal Lectures.
Many students visit the Chungbuk National University(CBNU) Library to use the reading room. However, the number of students who don't keep the basic manners is increasing. They do not return seats and leave garbage on desks.
We can usually see people who use the word 'Otaku' in daily life. Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests in one thing or who have professional knowledge in a special field. However, contrary to the original meaning, Otaku is usually used in Korea to demean people who love Japanese animation or cartoons.
Because of increasing living costs, more and more students attempt to lessen their financial burdens. Consequently, university cafeterias have grown in popularity recently.
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