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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Congratulatory Addresses from owner of Jungmun Tangsuyuk and Minsarang Bookstore who is near the CBNU.
September 27 was the 58th birthday of CBNU. How much do CBNU students know about CBNU? There is much pride in CBNU. Our beautiful campus is one example. Then, do you know where the best areas on campus are?
Well-being means, ¡°Through the balance of physical and psychological health, inferring a beautiful and joyful life.¡± From few years ago, Korea has had a Well-being boom and interest in Well-being. However, people are passing over the real meaning of Well-being and degenerating to commercialism nowadays.
In the past, for the poor, pursuing mental stability in life was difficult to access. However, as the national income has increased, the Well-being industry has been developed and generalized. How about finding your own Well-being lifestyle and practicing it in your daily life?
When Korea fell into confusion from an attack of DDOS, there was a man who analyzed it¡¯s malicious code and minimized the damage. CBT interviewed Lee Seung-hee, the senior researcher at Ahnlab, the most famous computer security company in Korea.
Do Ghong-hwan is a man who is a secretary-general of the Association of Writers for National Literature. Let¡¯s listen to his wishful message and his positive mind that were exposed in a poem about him by a poet from Chungbuk National University.
From September 14 to 16 was Dong-a-ris¡¯ invitation term. A dong-a-ri, SIVA, is playing performance to recruit freshmen.
Prizes in the ¡°2009 Korean Architecture Awards¡±
The Imperial College of London Global Institute opened
CBNU practices ¡°Remote Support Service¡±
As soon as CBNU students finished the performance, they encouraged each other, which showed the warm friendship and familiarity accumulated during summer vacation. Also, their passion showed that they have a possibility to develop and raise the reputation of the university.
Unlike a formal festival, there were fewer performances. However, in spite of the threat of H1N1, it is certain that this year¡¯s CBNU festival was the most independent festival than ever before.
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