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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Choose for Your Romeo and Juliet.
Figures exist not only to count things but also to show various cultures of other countries. How about seeing their culture through figures?
Advice from Son Tai-Yeong, Who Is an Expert pf Self-improvemen.
The on-line communication activity has settled to a new trend in the interpersonal relationship.
The privatization plan of public enterprises is a trend to reconsider the efficiency of enterprises, and Korea has enforced the plan many times in the past. Let's see the five times of privatization plan and learn from the past.
How many days did you invest studying and how many days did you spend enjoying the various events? Don¡¯t be surprised by the result. Also, don¡¯t be worried about it. This is because you cannot be the only one who is concerned about the situation.
If you are searching for an odd job, focus on this corner. CBT will introduce abnormal part-time jobs of the campus.
Positive points coexist with negative points in all of the policies, so the government has to decide the privatization plan carefully and communicate with people frequently.
The Gaeshin Daedong Festival was held from September 23 to 25 as a title, ¡®Only for U-Go-CBNU.¡¯
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