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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Have you ever had a chance to recognize that Korean consume coffee more frequently than rice, the traditional staple food of Korea? According to Korea Health Statistics 2016, Korean drink coffee 11.3 times a week, which is more frequent than the consumption of kimchi (9.7 times a week), multigrain rice (8.1 times a week), and white rice (6.4 times a week).
Many of us interact with many people every day. For example, if you are a college student, you can go on a field trip with people from all over the country and meet new people everywhere. If you live like that, sometimes your values conflict with those of others. The reason why I choose the word ¡®conflict¡¯ is that there is a disjunction between other people¡¯s values and our own values.
Nowadays, my favorite expression is, ¡®Giving up is a pleasure too.¡¯ In the book ¡®To Live a Simple Life Is Happy¡¯ by Mumu, there is a quote, ¡®You should be enjoying abandonment if you want to be happy.¡¯ After I read this, my head was frozen like I was hit in the back of my head. Perhaps, the sentence that I want to hear these days is about abandonment. I never learned the way to give up on anything.
The book ¡®How Can We Live without Anxieties¡¯, written by Peiyung (one of the most famous specialists of Buddhism), said, ¡°You can live without anxiety and enjoy your work if you know what you really want, know what you can do, and go into what you love¡±. As the employment crisis and youth unemployment continue, most young people, including university students, are worried about their future and their employment. In spite of difficulties,
Lee Dong-woo, a sophomore of CBNU in the Dept. of Russian Language and Literature, donated 1 million won to the Library Supporters Project to help develop the library. This is the first time that a student from CBNU has donated to a development fund. The Library Supporters Project was planned to cover budget shortages, such as the cost of furniture and system equipment, in the newly-built library, which is connected to the CBNU Library.
Gong Gam, the CBNU student council, held the Gong Gam Festival on May 23rd for two days. Kim Ji-seon, the director of Culture Planning for the Student Council, said, ¡°We came up with the theme for this festival from the ¡®Bluespring Festival¡¯ held in Seoul. Youth means young days of life, like CBNU students. We think of youth as a time when CBNU students shine. Also, we planned this festival with the hope that CBNU students would enjoy their youth through this festival.¡±
When walking around the campus of CBNU, university students can see many construction sites. The current construction of CBNU includes the library extension and the remodeling of the club center. This article explores how the library and the club building will be used in the future. The addition to the library, scheduled to be completed in December this year, is under final construction. The library extension is being built in the old parking lot of the existing library with a total area of 10,000§³, and it will be a five-story building including a basement.
The Chungbuk Times No.179
In 2018, the majority of domestic universities are going through difficulties in school management due to a lack of students. Starting with the 2020 university entrance exam to be held in 2019, the number of those who will enter universities is going to be higher than the number of high school graduates the so-called ¡°university reversal phenomenon.¡± In 2021, three years from now, more and more colleges and universities will be shut down due to a failure to accommodate the quota for freshmen.
Every spring, our CBNU campus means a lot to people who come here for family picnics and student lectures. The school is a space for all people, but it is most importantly a space for students. As the number of outsiders increases, the CBNU students¡¯ rights are gradually diminishing. Some of the students are even having serious difficulties because they are unable to use their school facilities due to the excessive outsiders.
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