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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Large-scale discount stores, which account for most markets, always attract consumers because of their lower prices than the suggested retail prices(SRP). Since they focus on many consumers, they can even lower their prices on delivery through volume purchase.
There is a movie director who is making films with ordinary grandparents in small country towns. His name is Shin Ji-seung. He created a new genre for movies, 'Maul Film¡®, and he is trying to make movies where everyone can feel empathy. Let's find out about Maul Films, which are made by average people unlike commercial movies made by only a few experts. Let's listen to the story of the movie director Shin Ji-seung, who directed 70 movies while traveling around the country for 10 years.
I have been working as a volunteer to help a vulnerable family. I teach a thirteen-year-old girl math and English twice a week. She is a hard-working student in spite of her difficult surroundings.
A man was standing in front of 10 students, giving a lecture passionately. He was lecturing students who had difficulties with their studies. He didn't take a tuition fee, but he asked them to serve as volunteers and to make a donation of 30,000 won. Who is he? He is Myoung Ji-sung(35), and he attended the college of law at CBNU. Due to his proposals, students served free meals at the YMCA and donated 300,000 won to a boy who doesn't have parents.
During this broiling summer, when buying an ice cream at a store, haven't you ever tilted your head by discovering something unusual? Prices which were marked on familiar groceries disappeared, as the open price system was implemented widely on July 1. There are some people who simply think of the suggested retail price(SRP) as the selling price. However, it is necessary to know more about each pricing system through comparison.
Nowadays, Building No. 4, previously the cultural studies building, is vacant. It used to be utilized for lectures for cultural studies, but nobody uses it anymore. The school doesn't even have any plans regarding the use of that building.
Many people in Korea believe that United States are more racist country than Korea as their country had been regarded as a single ethnic nation and did not normally need to encounter other people with different races.
Most experts agree that no one method of learning a language works wonders for all people.? We do not all process information in exactly the same fashion; therefore, the ways in which we learn and use information cannot be identical for everyone. That said, it does seem clear that traveling to a country in which English is dominant and immersing oneself in the language helps the average learner make dramatic progress.
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