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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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Do you think that you know a lot about Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)? Recently, CSR has become an important issue, but not many people seem to know the real meaning of CSR. In this issue, CBT deals with the true meaning and cases of CSR. CBT also points out some methods to improve the corporate cultures.
However, as opposed to the expectation of the new building, some problems have arisen about the work.
Room No.13 is a comedy play which depicts the process of hiding the scandal of a secretary of an opposition leader with a ministerial lawmaker who is trying to move a dead body of an uninvited guest to their meeting to another room. While hiding the scandal with her, could he escape the absurd situation?
Since 1951, CBNU has graduated a few celebrities. Kim Byung-chan (Class of ¡®81) is an announcer, and Jang Young-cheol (Class of ¡®87) is a writer of Moraesigye and Dae Jo-yong. Where should people be going to find eager beavers and celebrities who graduated from CBNU? The answer is to visit the Alumni Association (AA) in CBNU that is located on 7th floor of the Main Building.

Moraesigye: ¸ð·¡½Ã°è / Dae Jo-yong: ´ëÁ¶¿µ
Who is one of the extensive readers at CBNU?
'Hwangsogojip' was elected to next GSA.
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