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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.06.03 ¿ù 17:32
Society & Global
Society & Global Section
As Russian invasion of Ukraine has become a black hole attracting the attention of the international community, proper discussion of other issues requiring international intercession is delayed and neglected. In the Global section, a CBT reporter would like to share the current news of Myanmar, which has become a crime scene against humanity, starting with the actions of the military junta in February 2021. That is when the Myanmar military junta launched a coup d¡¯état, claiming fraudulent elections after the National League for Democracy (NLD) won more than half of the seats in the general election.
The MBN entertainment program High School Mom&Father was aired in March 2022, and it deals with the reality of pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare of high school students. This program shows the challenges faced by teenagers who become unmarried parents. It is a big controversy that is obviously too sensitive to deal with as an entertainment, but some say that this has made it clear why minors should not conceive and give birth.
On February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a special military operation, and Russia invaded Ukraine. This incursion has been unexpectedly prolonged, with numerous casualties and refugees, and it is fair to say that Ukrainians have suffered beyond imagination. In addition, it is affecting the whole world in terms of its economy, culture, transportation, etc.
This is what a CBT reporter recently heard from one of the people in the crowds on a spring day when cherry blossoms were in full bloom. In fact, it was hard to find any of the honeybees that should have started working early to mid-March when the forsythias began to bloom. At the same time, mainline news started reporting that, starting from Jeju island and the Southern States, honeybees had suddenly disappeared, and could easily be found fallen dead! Insects like bees or butterflies can sense even the weakest of signals of any kinds of natural disasters.
In the past, and even as recently as January 11th, many people lost their lives because of accidents in the workplace. This issue has been highlighted by the recent collapse of an apartment building in Gwangju where at least 9 lost their lives. This incident made a big impression on the national psyche where everyone could see the horrible scene on news media, especially since it took several days to recover the survivors and missing bodies. As a result, the government published the ¡®Serious Accident Punishment Act¡¯ on January 27th, in order to prevent fatal accidents, and to anticipate major accidents, before they occur.
Last year, December 6th, the United States announced a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics because China violates the human rights of the Uighur minority. On the other hand, there were suspicions that the US is trying to contain China diplomatically by using human rights as a pretext. Professor Kim Jih-un of the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Chungnam National University explained why the US declared a diplomatic boycott as ¡®value¡¯ diplomacy.
¡°Voice phishing is about empathizing with the other person. Voice phishing does not dig into people¡¯s ignorance, but dig into the persons¡¯ hopes and fears. This difference determines whether it is 100 million or 1 billion.¡± It is one of the lines from the movie Voice, which was released in September this year. Voice is a criminal film that shows the techniques of voice phishing scammers who commit crimes in the dark corners of the world, and alerts people to the dangers of phishing.
In Korea, a new word namely Newtro is becoming popular. It is a compound word meaning ¡®new¡¯ and ¡®retro.¡¯ Compared to retro, which simply evokes memories and nostalgia for a phenomenon experienced in the past, newtro refers to a new way of enjoying the culture of the past by the younger generation who have never had direct contact with the past.
A SF film ¡®Avatar,¡¯ released in 2009, of story is about earthlings adapting to a new planet to solve the problem of global energy depletion. In the production process of this film, filmmakers substituted the new planet with a virtual world and created virtual characters called Avatars. It was a new genre with different challenges from previous movies, and it had huge success at the box-office with a record-breaking number of viewers. Also, when the movie was released, most people were under the impression that the application of avatars would be limited to digitally created content.
Currently, due to the prolonged COVID-19, and the continuous increase in the number of infected people, daily life as before is becoming impossible. As a result, many people express their dissatisfaction with stores closing at 10 P.M. Jeong Seok-young, a senior majoring in Electronic Engineering, complained ¡°After a long day, I go to a bar to relieve my stress, but there isn¡¯t enough time to talk with my friends, and it¡¯s impossible to enjoy myself within the constraints of time. It¡¯s a pity to see the closed stores where I used to visit, and unlike before, the Jungmun commercial district is in a slump.¡±
The English Premier League(EPL) meets annually to determine the best teams in England. Among the teams that participate ¡®Leicester city¡¯ has won the trophy in 38 games of the 15-16 seasons with 23 wins, 12 draws, and 3 losses. Considering that the dividend rate for Leicester City¡¯s victory calculated by the British betting company ¡®William Hill¡¯ was 5000:1, Leicester City¡¯s victory was simply a miracle. With this article, let¡¯s find out what an underdog is and the trends that encourage underdogs.
The term ¡®worker¡¯ has emerged with the dawn of capitalism. It lexically means a person who maintains a living with wages earned from selling labor. Commonly, people conjure up the image of workers who are working at factories or construction sites. However, worker includes a person who works in various forms for financial returns like an office job, education job, police and etc. Likewise, the productive activities that are routinely completed for a living are called ¡®industry.¡¯ The word includes various fields like agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, construction, distribution, insurance, service industries, and etc.
Let¡¯s find out more about labeling games through the book Trend 2021 by Kim Nan-do, a professor of department of Consumer Affairs at Seoul National University. The labeling game is a new trend where labels are ascribed to certain people to describe their personalities. The labeling games include the MBTI test, the boomer level test, and the university department test.
Recently, starting with Bitcoin which caused a worldwide sensation, many people became interested in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is electric information that is encoded with blockchain technology and distributed so that people can use the coin as a real currency in some networks. Almost everyone would have heard about ¡®Bitcoin,¡¯ one of the cryptocurrencies. Especially nowadays, young investors in their 20-30s are increasing. Bitcoin, a word that tempted lots of people to invest. What would it be?
For a long time, the earth has been tainted by severe environmental problems due to the waste people produce in their daily lives. According to a report, by Statistics Korea, on the generation and disposal of living and workplace waste between 2013 and 2019, there was an estimated 380,709kg in 2013 and 481,682kg in 2019, an increase of about 26.4%. As a result, it can be seen that the amount of waste people discard is increasing as time goes on.
¡®IU-take my hand¡¯ and ¡®EXID-Up and Down¡¯ are songs that you have listened to at least once. What do these songs have in common? They are both examples of ¡°reverse¡± craze. Unlike ordinary cars, cars that run in the opposite direction are called ¡°reverse driving.¡± In this connection, when songs that have not been noticed for a long time after their release or songs that have been quiet for a while since their first hit are re-examined for some reason, we call it ¡°reverse.¡±
Due to COVID-19, the government has implemented strict social distancing rules to prevent the spread of the disease. As a result, the market economy has slowed down considerably, and many young people are in a difficult situation where they struggle to find jobs. These CBT reporters are planning to investigate the situation, as well as the government¡¯s proposed solutions to the problem in this article. -Ed.
The annual College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT) will be held on December 3rd. It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of this test since it will, to a very large degree, determine the future of many students. With the test just around the corner, the Ministry of Education and 17 municipal and provincial Education Offices announced ¡®Measures for Facilitating the Implementation of the CSAT in 2021¡¯ on November 5th. Looking over the implementation measures, we immediately notice that there are lots of new precautions, because this year is the first CSAT in the COVID-19 era.
Nowadays, in South Korea, every age group is focusing on exercise. Recently, there have been newly-coined phrases related to working out like ¡®Helchang¡¯, one who was poisoned in the fitness center and ¡®Sanlini¡¯, a hiking beginner. Now that a large portion of the population is hitting the gym regularly we can distinguish between various workout cultures. CBT reporter will focus on the workout trend of those in their 20s and 30s.
Millions of people are suffering from coronaphobia. The COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing pandemic and our daily lives have changed unimaginably. The prolonged COVID-19 infection is causing many financial difficulties. As internet penetration and smartphone use increase, uncontacted platforms are drawing attention. Due to coronaphobia and government restrictions, most people are spending more time staying at home compared to the past.
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