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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.12.02 ¿ù 18:00
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The student's association and students effort to make a great M.T.
Gangneung is one locality where nature, culture and historic sites are harmonized. In the background with a wide sea and high mountains, Gangneung has many historic scenes. Let¡¯s go to Gangneung where we can feel classic culture with beautiful nature! -Ed.
Park Ji-sung, who belongs to Manchester United, is the first Korean player in the EPL(English Premier League), and he is doing a very good job. Park Ji-sung is not taller than other players, and he also does not have extreme speed. However, like his nickname ¡°Oxygen Tank,¡± he is acknowledged in the EPL for his endurance and powerful play. Cheering him to play among star players, we feel pride as Koreans. In contrast with the good play of Korean players, financial support for physical education is inadequate.
1. Professor Eom Kee-seon got the award.
2. The National Institute of Agricultural Science Technology of CBNU and the DSK group have concluded an agreement.
3. Kim Youn-jeong won the first prize in the preliminary of English Speech Contest
Even the name "Sea of Joseon" used in Japan
We made both advantages and disadvantages on the Interent
Our society is rapidly becoming industrialized and urbanized. Therefore, the topic of sex which was opened has caused side effects. As the freedom of action grows and the age of puberty occurs earlier, a conversational attitude changed to a positive attitude. This caused many problems, and the problem of teenage unmarried mothers became serious.
At the start of this new semester, alcohol has not been rid from every event. Although there is an awkward moment, all people quickly become intimate if they drink. Similarly, there are festivals in all parts of the world where people celebrate with alcohol. The Icewine Festival of Canada and the Beer Festival of Germany are included in those kinds of festivals.
The play splits the audience¡¯s sides with laughter, and it brings tears from the audience¡¯s eyes.
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