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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.06.03 ¿ù 17:32
Culture Section
People might answer K-pop if asked what word comes to mind when they think of the Korean Wave. However, the Korean Wave trend recently has changed. Although it¡¯s not as well known as K-pop, E-sports are the most famous example of the Korean Wave.
¡®Sexual self-determination¡¯ is the right that a person can determine and choose one¡¯s sexual behavior freely and responsibly without pressure from other people or customs. Nowadays, opinions diverge on whether prostitution should be legal or whether prostitution is understood as sexual self-determination.
Remember the movie ¡®King and the Clown¡¯ that sold over 10 million tickets? The tightrope walking by the main character was surely enough to cause the heart-pounding excitement. Here is an extreme sport that is gaining huge popularity in Europe and the U.S. It is called ¡®Slackline¡¯. -Ed.
A university is a place where you can get true learning such as academic success, broad relationships, responsibility and a variety of experiences. However, the purposes of university have become tarnished, and the universities of today are little better than job-training schools.
Korea, one of the IT world powers, has released renowned smartphones. After the first release of them in 2008, the functions and designs have been upgraded, and Samsung has been
There are many kinds of marriage proposals. Mostly, flowers are steadily popular for the proposals because they make people happy. We give flowers in the situation not only when
This law applied to people who committed adultery with married people, and this law was abolished this February. This law was named the adultery law. Lately, adultery was found
Nowadays, walking down the street, you may hear 1990¡¯s songs. Some people are unfamiliar with 20th century¡¯s songs. For all that, these are becoming popular among the general public.
Since its beginning, television animation has been popular for both children and adults because of easy storylines and cute characters. Diverse countries have their own
Remakes have been done in various ways from music, movies, and even TV series, and they have been gaining popularity among people as time has passed. A remake is a work that is based on
We need preparation for passing the cold winter. For example, there are heavy clothes that prevent the cold swind, and there is kimchi that people eat during the winter. Of course,
Among women, a tattoo is famous as a means of self-expression. A tattoo is a handwork that draws a letter, a picture or a pattern on subcutaneous tissue. We can make our own tattoo by drawing
Like the Korean seasonings jang, are there any seasonings that you add when you cook in your country?
The movie ¡®Dead Poets Society¡¯ shows students in Welton Academy, who aim for entering prestigious universities, become aware of themselves after meeting John Kitting, who is their professor.
Lots of plane accidents are occurring these days. There were various reasons for the accidents, and also there was a crash that happened intentionally by a pilot as you can see in the Global Article
Angela Merkel, who is the Chancellor in Germany, visited Japan last March 9th for the G7 conference, which is held every ten years. In particular, the visit attracted the attention of the international community
Recently, a number of people went to Jeju island. Some people said about them that they are tired of the competition, which always happens in the cities. Others said that they want to keep their artistic
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