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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.06.03 ¿ù 17:32
Culture Section
¡®Collaboration¡¯, which is a way of marketing, is where two brands cooperate together and make their own products. Collaboration has a synergy effect of the two brands.
The movie, ¡®To Kill a Mockingbird¡¯, is a story where a young African American man named Tom is falsely accused of raping a white woman, and Atticus Finch, a lawyer, is trying to clear the young man
Stars in the sky have always been mysterious to human beings. People can't reach the stars despite being able to see them. Since ancient times, people have been fascinated by the stars and have started to observe them.
People wearing sportswear are running in an open space in a city. Are they just running? They are jumping over walls, crawling up walls and flying through the air using only their body without equipment.
Forks, knives, spoons and chopsticks: these are the things you need whenever you want to have a meal. However, in a society where people tend to search for simplicity, to set the table for every meal can be troublesome for them. In this article, CBT has found an interesting way to help the readers by introducing Finger Foods.
People in a busy modern society want to relax and be comfortable without a repeated routine. Templestays, which have the limelight, are one of the best self-reflecting programs that show this trend. Rest can make modern people¡¯s lives better. CBT reporters this time went to Seoul Nak Mt. Myogak temple and did in-depth coverage of the templestay
The influx of new people and new cultures has led our society to become a diversified society. People want to get something new, fresh and unique. The influx of new people and new cultures has led to changes of our own heritage and creates something new by combining our own heritage with a new influx of things.
Stars in the sky have always been mysterious to human beings. People can't reach the stars despite being able to see them. Since ancient times, people have been fascinated by the stars and have started to observe them.
Bob Dylan wrote a very famous song in the 1960¡¯s about how culture was changing.
CBT reporters visited the 2012 International Food & Wine Festival in Daejeon which was held for 4 days from October 12 to 15. In front of the entrance, there were many people who came to the festival.
When many people see a beautiful woman, they often say that the woman looks like a doll. One English girl who enjoyed decorating herself to look like dolls became the talk of the world in March of this year.
People have felt that nail art is unfamiliar up until just a few years ago, but nail art is becoming an important part of beauty among women now. Nail art is not simply painting a person¡¯s fingernails and toenails.
The number of the sexual assaults increased from 15,970 to 21,912 increased by 37%. What are good ways to eradicate sexual assaults?
Music cafes with DJs from the 1960s to the 1980s received much popularity from the public. DJ is an abbreviation of disk jockey, which is a person who leads the listeners with the music.
Now, we are living in the age of globalization. Inspired by the Ministry of Education and Science Technology(MEST)¡¯s international students promotion policy, the number of international students who reside within the country has been rapidly increasing, with continuous growth of double figures except last year.
To get out of the title of a restructuring university, CBNU made a variety of efforts.
Mullae Art Village is a unique village in an urban area where the energy of ironworkers and the creative heartbeat of artists coexist. Although the two groups of people don't really seem to match with each other, they live together harmoniously. The laborers work during the day time, and the artists create works of art at night. A CBT reporter saw lots of people who went out to find hidden mural paintings and sculptures in every corner of every alley as if they played a treasure-hunt game. -Ed
We can usually see people who use the word 'Otaku' in daily life. Otaku is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests in one thing or who have professional knowledge in a special field. However, contrary to the original meaning, Otaku is usually used in Korea to demean people who love Japanese animation or cartoons.
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