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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.06.03 ¿ù 17:32
Campus News
Campus News Section
At the end of the semester, many students prepare for vacation. They might work a part-time job, begin an internship, take a rest at home, or go on a trip. To accomplish these activities, health is essential. There are many students who do physical training in sports facilities. However, most of the students cannot afford to pay for high-quality sports facilities. They might have to consider the price, size, and many other factors. To lessen these worries and to help students receive reasonable health care, the CBT reporters decided to introduce a sports facility in CBNU.
Last Apr. 29, the CBNU Workplace Daycare Center opened, and it is operating independently of the daycare center affiliated with the College of Human Ecology. CBT met Yoo Ae-hyeong, who is the director of the CBNU Workplace Daycare Center, and asked her to provide information to parents who don¡¯t know about the center.
In the re-election for the 51st Student Council, the Synergy Campaign won the election with a 73.15% (5,397 votes) approval rating. Before the vote, CBT interviewed the Synergy Campaign. This interview will help CBNU students understand about their re-election and how CBNU students voted. Please tell the readers the meaning of the representative colors and pledges of the Synergy Campaign and the backstory of their candidacy. I am Moon Jae-yun, the presidential candidate, and this is Park Hyung-bin, the vice-presidential candidate, of the 51st the Synergy Campaign.
Students use the school libraries to study, spend their spare time between lectures, meet friends or drink coffee in the new café, but how many students participate in the library reading programs? By using Everytime, which is a mobile application for students, the CBT conducted a survey regarding how many students know about the programs and participate in them, and 55 university students answered this survey.
After the long winter passed, a new semester begins for the freshmen. However, it is difficult for the freshman to learn information about campus. Therefore, CBT will introduce about the CBNU homepage, which helps students find useful information. While students are on campus, they sometimes use the CBNU homepage. They use it to register for lectures, to check the campus map and to confirm many things, like dormitory rooms.
As the saying goes ¡®The early birds catch the worm¡¯, the diligent birds in university also have many opportunities. There are various programs for students in university. However, it is up to students to search and participate in them actively. In March, CBT would like to introduce the Communication Education Center, which provides many beneficial programs to students.
There are students who went to the UK through the Humanities Finder Project during winter vacation. They learned about the importance of traditional markets while in the UK, and they were interviewed by the CBT to introduce traditional markets to encourage students to participate in cultural activities such as festivals and events held in traditional markets.
On November 29th, 2019, a student election was held at CBNU from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Last year, students had to visit the polling places to vote on ballot papers. However, this year, the election was held online. The online election was conducted for the first time, and the voters were given a link to vote by text message. Voters could participate in voting after validating their ID number through that link.
The CBT interviewed GongGam¡¯s President and Vice President of the Student Council who worked hard for the students this year. To end the year, reporters met them and asked some questions about their pledges. Q First of all, please introduce yourself. P: Hello. I am Kim Jong-soe, President of the Student Council. It¡¯s a pleasure. V: I am Park Jae-se, Vice President of the Student Council. Nice to meet you. Q What was your motive to join the Student Council?
This past summer, students from CBNU went to France through the Humanities Finder Project. They were introduced to media facade, a cultural art they learned while in France. They were interviewed at the CBT to introduce media facade, thinking that students would want to know about it.
Muslim students in CBNU are primarily from Central Asia and the Middle-East. In this article, we interviewed graduate student Ayman to hear his story of Muslims living in Korea. According to Ayman¡¯s opinion, Muslim students who are from various countries share lots of values, traditions and cultures. This is because those people acquire those values from a single source: Islam. Those things include the five daily prayers, Friday prayer, and fasting during Ramadan, the 9th month of the Arabic calendar.
On August 16, 2018, the second library, which many students have waited for, finally opened. As the existing library doesn¡¯t have enough places to study, many students have experienced inconveniences. The new library has various facilities for studying, and it should satisfy their expectations. However, will it also satisfy the international students? There isn¡¯t any information about the new library on the English version of the library¡¯s website.
Every university has strange stories. There are a variety of rumors at CBNU. The ghosts of dead children doused with water often appear at Sookmyung Women¡¯s University. Also, it is rumored that ghosts crawl around the walls and ceilings in the CCTV room of the College of Arts at Jungang University¡¯s 2nd Campus in Anseong city. Some universities have ridiculous rumors as well as scary stories. There are lion statues at Kyunghee University. If students get on a lion statue near the main building, they become forever alone.
On July 13, Chungbuk National University signed an agreement with the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) to build public housing to make a more stable residential environment for students. The project will provide public rental housing for college students and newlyweds by utilizing a well-positioned university property.
Gonggam, the current student council, began their work in February, 2018. Gonggam aimed to fulfill a total of 56 pledges. Only one semester remains before time will run out. Let¡¯s check the status of their pledges and implementation plan. The pledges were classified into 3 categories: Rights, Communication, and Cultural affairs. Rights relate to students¡¯ rights. For example, the direct election of the university president guarantees students¡¯ rights by giving students the right to vote.
What did CBNU students do during their summer vacation? Some students may have studied, and some may have found a part-time job. Recently, many students are participating in overseas volunteer work during their vacation. Among them, CBT met Shin Hyun-tae(¡¯13, Dept. of Nursing Science), the CBNU Overseas Volunteer Team leader, and listened to his volu nteer stories.
Lee Dong-woo, a sophomore of CBNU in the Dept. of Russian Language and Literature, donated 1 million won to the Library Supporters Project to help develop the library. This is the first time that a student from CBNU has donated to a development fund. The Library Supporters Project was planned to cover budget shortages, such as the cost of furniture and system equipment, in the newly-built library, which is connected to the CBNU Library.
Gong Gam, the CBNU student council, held the Gong Gam Festival on May 23rd for two days. Kim Ji-seon, the director of Culture Planning for the Student Council, said, ¡°We came up with the theme for this festival from the ¡®Bluespring Festival¡¯ held in Seoul. Youth means young days of life, like CBNU students. We think of youth as a time when CBNU students shine. Also, we planned this festival with the hope that CBNU students would enjoy their youth through this festival.¡±
When walking around the campus of CBNU, university students can see many construction sites. The current construction of CBNU includes the library extension and the remodeling of the club center. This article explores how the library and the club building will be used in the future. The addition to the library, scheduled to be completed in December this year, is under final construction. The library extension is being built in the old parking lot of the existing library with a total area of 10,000§³, and it will be a five-story building including a basement.
In 2018, the majority of domestic universities are going through difficulties in school management due to a lack of students. Starting with the 2020 university entrance exam to be held in 2019, the number of those who will enter universities is going to be higher than the number of high school graduates the so-called ¡°university reversal phenomenon.¡± In 2021, three years from now, more and more colleges and universities will be shut down due to a failure to accommodate the quota for freshmen.
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