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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.06.03 ¿ù 17:32
Campus News
Campus News Section
Every spring, our CBNU campus means a lot to people who come here for family picnics and student lectures. The school is a space for all people, but it is most importantly a space for students. As the number of outsiders increases, the CBNU students¡¯ rights are gradually diminishing. Some of the students are even having serious difficulties because they are unable to use their school facilities due to the excessive outsiders.
The Physical Education wrestling team finished with good results in the 2018 Asian Junior Selecting Dispatch Player Competition, winning three golds, one silver, and one bronze medal. Kim In-seob(¡¯16, Dept. of Physical Education) participated in the 82kg division of the Greco-man style and won the gold medal without a lost point during the competition. Kim Kyeong-seob(¡¯16, Dept. of Physical Education) participated in the 67kg division of the Greco-man type and won the gold medal with outstanding match operation.
March is the month of graduation and orientation. Freshmen everywhere on campus are often seen struggling to find classrooms. They can find that school buildings are numbered according to their positions. Also, the Gaesin Culture Center has a bookstore, bakery, and other facilities that sell daily necessities, and the students know that CBNU strives to offer what students need for their welfare.
At the end of the vacation, students get on the Total Information Management System of CBNU to prepare for the new semester. The Total Information Management System(TIMS) provides a variety of services for the convenience of students. However, according to Lee Seung-ho, a leader of information teams in the Information and Computer Center, the utilization rate of the services, except for a few services, is very low even though the TIMS has many services.
The CBT met an author, Lee Da-eun, who has written short essays and poems about a variety of topics on SNS and has recently published a book, ¡®The Season of Love¡¯. Originally, I started writing when I was a freshman. However, I was devoted to studying my major and enjoyed my college life until my junior year. Then, I found myself writing on notepads while doing my assignments overnight.
Kim Jong-seo, who was elected as president of the 2018 student council, said, ¡°Most of all, I want to say that thanks to all students. Forget about previous student councils. We will not exist separately from the students, and we will be with the students as much as our name is Gong Gam. We want to empathize with you. Again, I appreciate your support. Thank you very much.¡±
Last October, from the 11th to the 12th, the 2017 Gaesin Festival was held. This year, the student council was especially absent, so the Emergency Planning Committee and Festival Arrangement Committee initiated the Emergency Operations, which means they would rescue all CBNU students who were tired from daily life. The food booths and activity booths were run by each department, clubs, and some organizations.
Last October, a student of the College of Education wrote in the CBNU Bamboo, which posts anonymous reports for students. The student questioned why the Dept. of Science Education appeared with their pubs, the Gaesin Festival, athletics meets, the Haeoleum Festival and orientation. Though there were 13 departments of the College of Education, they merged their departments into just four.
The CBT reporters met exchange students Kritsanasang Narawadee(¡¯17, Dept. of History) and Phothong Thonthep(¡¯17, Dept. of Korean Education) from Thailand and heard their stories about campus life in Korea. Through this interview, we really hope that exchange students will have more chances to communicate with Koreans.
Korean students have thought the humanities are useless studies because the ratings of the students who will be employed as engineers have increased. However, many books of humanities, such as ¡®A Leadership to Get One¡¯s Mind¡¯, ¡®Humanities of Wise Investors¡¯, ¡®Reading Methods of Lee Dong-jin¡¯, were released as bestsellers recently. Also, why have the humanities become popular on TV programs, seminars and in the publishing market?
Kim Jeong-hyeok(¡¯14, Dept. of Biology) said, ¡°On weekends, our students must use student ID cards to enter the school buildings. However, there are many cases of trouble with ADT card readers. There is no repair service for this, so I had an inconvenient experience.¡± Kim Ji-hyeon(¡¯16, Dept. of Ethics Education) said, ¡°I felt uncomfortable using the library. The sidewalk in front of the library was broken, so I tripped and almost fell over while passing by. In addition, I always feel awkward whenever people sit down in the library because the chairs make a creaking sound.¡±
BNU, consisting of Dept. of Food Science and Biotechnology seniors Park Woo-hyun, Lee Tae-hoon, and Park Jung-hyun, was selected as one of the top 10 teams at the preliminaries of the Challenge! K-start-up 2017, a government start-up competition hosted by the Ministry of Education in August. Thanks to this achievement, Bugsfood has been selected as a representative of Chungcheong Province to go to the finals.
Last July 16th, the Chung-cheong province turned into a madhouse because of the localized heavy rain which began the night before. Houses, roads, shopping districts, and farmlands sunk under the water and there were frequent landslides. Over a thousand cars were submerged under the water and roads were damaged. In Cheong-ju city, 290mm of rain poured down, which was the most amount since 1995, so Musim Stream, which goes through the city, overflowed. Fortunately, the localized heavy rain entered a quiet stage in the afternoon on that day.
Recently, except for Seoul National University, the discussion about merging the nine local major national universities in Korea (Kangwon Univ., Kyungpook Univ., Gyeongsang Univ., Busan Univ., Chonnam Univ., Chonbuk Univ., Jeju Univ., Chungnam Univ., Chungbuk Univ.) into one national university, called ¡®Hankuk University¡¯, has been ongoing. On July 25th, a brief session on the admission requirements of the nine local major universities was held in Busan University, and it was interpreted as a first step in the discussion about Hankuk University consolidation.
Have you ever seen the Spiderman statue standing on top of the Art College? Seo Jun-bae, who amazes many people by making life-like figures, like the Spiderman, is a student majoring in sculpting. Now, he is working as a ¡®figure artist¡¯. People might be unfamiliar with this job because it doesn¡¯t sound like an occupation, but he recently worked for ¡®Netflix¡¯. We met him to figure out what he does as a figure artist.
Park Eun-bi, who is a student of the Dept. of English Language and Literature, said, ¡°I usually go to the CBNU library to copy my assignments or borrow some books. Actually, I don¡¯t know what other services are provided there.¡± As such, the CBNU library has been used just as a place where CBNU students can study during their exam periods and borrow books they need. However, other than those kinds of common functions of the library, there are various services and materials that many students don¡¯t know about in the CBNU library.
According to a recent survey about pseudo-religions that 293 CBNU students took part in, 47% of them had an experience where they met pseudo-religion propagators. In addition, 28.7% of the students ran into the propagators more than five times. Regarding the places where the students met the propagators, 51.1% of the students met them in the Jung-mun area. The most frequent way that the propagators used to approach the students (49.3% of responses) was to give free gifts for the purpose of getting students¡¯ phone numbers.
The ¡®Hae-ul¡¯, which is a group of CBNU ambassadors, was organized in 2009. Until now, they have tried to promote CBNU. In April, the 9th Hae-ul, called the ¡®Friend Hae-ul¡¯, was launched to start 2017. The CBT reporters met the male president Ha Heon-min(¡¯12, Dept. of Wood and Paper Science) and the female president Choi Seok-hee(¡¯15, Dept. of Russian Language and Culture) to hear more about the 9th Hae-ul.
Last February 15th, CBNU announced that the College of Pharmacy had completely finished relocating its department to the Osong campus, which is located in the Osong industrial complex. This means that establishing the Osong campus, which was part one of the university projects, is finally done. The project of expanding the campus area has carried forward since 2015
Every March, the Haeoleum Festival is held by each college in CBNU for freshmen. It is one of the most exciting events because not only do freshmen prepare for it, but other students who are not freshmen can also participate in it. However, many students have complained about the event for recent years. Furthermore, some of them have insisted that the Haeoleum Festival should be abolished.
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