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ÃÖÁ¾ÆíÁý : 2024.06.03 ¿ù 17:32
Campus News
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Korea faces problems stemming from an increasingly aging society, such as supporting the elderly, taking care of senior citizens' health and the social isolation of the elderly. The Ministry of Health and Welfare created local Seniors Clubs to tackle this challenge work. The Senior Clubs find and make better occupations for the elderly and provide them with jobs. 99 Senior Clubs were established all over the country, and there are 4 Senior Clubs in Cheong-ju.
CBT searched for ¡®60¡¯ for the 60th school anniversary. Let¡¯s listen to the various stories from students and what they want from their school. -Ed
CBNU students have different thoughts about the orientation program for freshmen called yebidaehak program which started this year. Some students said the program was helpful for university lives and friendship, while some students expressed complaints. They said that holding the 4th, the 5th and the 6th programs after the semester had begun was not related to the purpose of the program.
¡°The Plus¡±, the General Students¡¯ Association (GSA) of Chungbuk National University (CBNU), has created ¡°the Minimum Wage 4320 Project¡± for CBNU students. ¡°The Minimum Wage 4320 Project¡± is planning to educate students who were treated unfairly and receive lower than 4,320 won an hour, which is the legal minimum wage, and were treated unfairly.
It was impossible for hearing-impaired students to attend real-time classes on their own. However, thanks to tablet PCs, laptops, and other devices including smart phones and pads, hearing-impaired students can participate in classes in real time with ordinary students.
The important goal of the support is the mentoring project for connecting Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) with university students.
The professional photographer was taking the ID picture of the student for free in 2011 Job Festival which was held from March 15th to 17th at the Gaesin Cultural Center
No. 1 humor teacher I belonged to a pantomime club as an actor when I was a university student and felt the pleasure of making other people laugh. Therefore, I always tried to entertain people around me. I attended lectures from professional teachers in my free time to learn how to make people happy. I even recorded an entire lecture once with a recorder. At that time, I decided to be a humor teacher. I thought that human beings were the happiest when they laughed, and I wanted to convey as many of my thoughts to people as possible. I guess the time when I was in that pantomime club was a decisive factor in my career because I felt very confident on the stage. In those days, nobody taught about humor except me. Therefore, people began to call me the No. 1 humor teacher when I became famous.
National university incorporation is causing controversies in society as Seoul University and Busan University chose to be incorporated. The national university incorporation is a system that makes national universities like private universities. The government give the right to the universities to make their own budgets while reducing governmental finance support and the number of government employees from school personnel.
The government decided to implement the saving of energy considering high oil prices. Chungbuk National University(CBNU) is also cooperating with the goverment's policy of energy-saving.
Chungbuk National University Museum launched an exhibition "Dream Panorama"
CBNU Museum holds an exhibition from April 30th to August 31st.
We can appreciate relics at 2nd exhibition room. The exhibition was composed to understand easily the history of Korea from the stone age to Joseon Dynasty. Especially, because of showing a treasure number 716 called Kim Kil-tong officer meritorious retainer message, the exhibition is gaining population with people.
February 23, 2010 graduates were granted degrees with celebration.

The Dept. of Mathematics Education of CBNU made the best record in a teacher certification examination in all over the country.
CBNU created a new scholarship called an angel scholarship.
Chungbuk National University(CBNU) ran a new freshmen-oriented program, called yebidaehak that educates all freshmen before semester begins.
A public hearing on the reform of liberal education was held on March 21st at the Gaesin Cultural Center. The public hearing proceeded on the basis of a research paper on liberal education, which had been conducted from October 2010 to January 2011.
The relative evaluation system in majors, the academic warning system and the repetition system for failed students have becomen effective. The school held two briefing sessions to explain and answer students¡¯ questions in the new students¡¯ union on Feb 11th and 18th.
 CBNU started the Sessak Mentoring Project, which is a volunteer program for taking care of low-income middle school and high school students. The Sessak mentoring organization held an inauguration ceremony and an orientation meeting for 88 students who were selected as mentors at Gaesin Cultural Center.
The 21st century is a great time where eco-friendly technologies enable companies to make money. General Electric, a leading company with Green Growth technology, announced the slogan "Green is Green." The initial "green" means environment and the latter refers to the green color of a dollar, namely profits.
Choi Won-mi was elected as the first female president of CBNU.
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